
Fillmore Real Estate presenting a check for Maimonides Breast Cancer Center

TOGETHER We Accomplished So Much.
2020 has been a powerful reminder that we are ALL IN THIS TOGETHER, and our choices and actions have the power to protect the most vulnerable among us in a big way.
We gave HOPE and SAVED lives.
With all your generous donations, we were able to donate $42,000 to Maimonides Breast Cancer Center.
With your support, we can show every woman that her life is important.

Fillmore presenting a check in the amount of $42,000 which was raised at 2020 Pat’s Pink Party Fundraiser to Dr. Patrick Borgen, General Surgeon of Maimonides Breast Cancer Center, and his team.

Over the past 4 years, Fillmore has teamed up with Maimonides Breast Cancer Center to help to fight against Breast Cancer.